gmail Tutorials, Tips & Tricks

Sending Emails in Java using GMail ID

Thought of sharing following code with you all. It is a small code snippet that uses SMTP in Java to login into GMail and send email using ones GMail account. String host = “”;...

Recover your GMail password via SMS

Recover your GMail password via SMS

A lot of time we forget our passwords and try to recover it using the same old technique where the service provider send new password to an email address that we have registered earlier...

Gmail launched “Multiple Inbox”

Gmail launched “Multiple Inbox”

Gmail has launched yet another fantastic feature in Labs yesterday called the Multiple Inbox. This feature was developed by Octavian “Vivi” Costache of Google in his 20% time. When I first heard about this...

GMail launched Task list functionality

GMail launched Task list functionality

Yesterday, GMail launched the lightweight To-do list or Task list feature. Now you can add your daily tasks or manage them using this feature. To add a task in your task list all you...