How to:Set Maxlength of Textarea using jQuery/JavaScript

Maxlength of Textarea

Update: The maxlength plugin is now managed at GitHub. Please contribute to make this plugin more awesome. GitHub: Setting up maxlength of input text are easy. Just an attribute maxlength="##" does the work. But maxlength attribute does not work with textarea. I tried writing <textarea rows=”5″ cols=”30″ maxlength=”120″></textarea> but this does not works. So what to do if we want to fix the maxlength of a textarea? Use following jQuery plugin for setting maxlength of any textarea on your page. First thing for doing is to add maxlength="XX" attribute in your <textarea> tag.
<textarea maxlength="15" rows="5" cols="30" name="address"></textarea>
Code language: HTML, XML (xml)
Include the jQuery plugin javascript file in your html page where the textarea is.
<script language="javascript" src="jquery.maxlength.js"></script>
Code language: HTML, XML (xml)
And, add following code snippet at the end of your html page.
<script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function($) { //Set maxlength of all the textarea (call plugin) $().maxlength(); }) </script>
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)
That’s it.. This jQuery plugin will search every textarea on your page and restrict the user to enter text till the maxlength. Following is the code of plugin
/* * jQuery Maxlength plugin 1.0.0 * * Copyright (c) 2013 Viral Patel * // * * Licensed under the MIT license: * */ ;(function ($) { $.fn.maxlength = function(){ $("textarea[maxlength], input[maxlength]").keypress(function(event){ var key = event.which; //all keys including return. if(key >= 33 || key == 13 || key == 32) { var maxLength = $(this).attr("maxlength"); var length = this.value.length; if(length >= maxLength) { event.preventDefault(); } } }); } })(jQuery);
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)



GitHub: Download the Plugin file here. jQuery Plugin for setting maxlength of textarea. Feel free to extend the functionality of this plugin and also use it and let me know your comments.

View Comments

  • ya its great code!!!
    If we want to Set Max Length TextArea OnPaste
    use the following code
    function maxLengthPaste(field,maxChars){
    if((field.value.length + window.clipboardData.getData(\"Text\").length) > maxChars) {
    return false;

    Use OnPaste Went To Call This Function
    onpaste=\"return maxLengthPaste(this,500)\"

  • You should not use a strict doctype, when you use this on your own pages, as there is no "maxlength" attribute defined in textarea. A "great" solution should include that information, at least, then show a way out of the dilemma.

    I do actually use a quite similar solution for my textareas, but neither am I happy about it, nor would I call my idea a great solution. It is the usual crap, which the W3C imposes on us.

  • I have extended this in my own use to be able to take an extra setting to say what the attribute should be. I did this because when I am using, their standard textbox with multiline set removes the MaxLength property during rendering and never makes it to the screen.

    Thanks for this plugin.

  • SPACE character checks.

    Add the following before the current check for keystrokes. This keeps the user from entering spaces.

    // If current length is equal to the max and they enter
    // a space using the space bar then cancel
    if (key == 32) {
    var maxLength = $(this).attr("maxlength");
    var length = this.value.length;
    if (length == maxLength) {

Published by
Viral Patel
Tags: JavaScript JQuery jquery plugin maxlength textarea

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