DLL (Dynamic Link Library) files are composed of computer data and code. These are used by software makers as shared resources on Windows operating systems. Rather than install separate components, they share the same DLL file. If you want or need to manually register/unregister DLL files, here’s how it is done.
Dynamic Link Library Registration
Step 1
If necessary, log in using your administrator account.
Step 2
Click Start and type command
or cmd
at the search box. It will depend on what Windows version you have.
Step 3
Type regsvr32 "path and FileName.dll"
at the command prompt. Hit the Enter key. Make sure that you enter the correct name and file path. An example is "C:\Windows\System32\example.dll"
. This will register the file.
Step 4
After registration, a message will appear telling you registration was successful. The message will inform you that the file has been placed in the Windows Registry.
Command Line
If you want to manually register/unregister DLL files via the Regsvr32
Command Line, you can do so. Windows PCs with Internet Explorer 3.0 or later have Regsvr32.exe. If you are running 64 bit versions of the Windows OS, there are two variants.
The 32-bit version is at: %systemroot%\SysWoW64\regsvr32.exe
The 64-bit version is at: %systemroot%\System32\regsvr32.exe
To use any version of the utility, type the following:
Code language: Bash (bash)Regsvr32 [/u] [/n] [/i[:cmdline]] dllname
The /u command will unregister the file. The /I can be used with /u to call dll uninstall. The /n parameter will not call DllRegisterServer. It is used with /i. If you use /s, no message boxes will be displayed. This is for Windows XP and later versions.
When you first launch Regsvr32.exe, the program will try loading the component it identifies. The DLLSelfRegister function will be invoked. If it works, a message will appear notifying you. If it doesn’t, an error message will pop up.
Unregister Dynamic Link Libraries
Click Start and type cmd
at the Run box. The Windows Command Prompt will appear. If you are using Windows Vista, press the Windows and R keys at the same time. This will bring up the Run dialog box. Click OK.
The following commands can be used with both utilities. Type regsvr32 /u filename.dll
. Hit the Enter key. A message will appear stating the file was unregistered.
Benefits of DLL Files
DLLs are notorious because they seem to cause so many error messages. But these are actually vital to improving the performance of computer programs. DLLs reduce the resources needed to do common tasks. There are fewer files on a hard disk and memory, increasing system speed. DLLs also promote the use of modular programming architecture.
It helps dynamic loading of functionality as well. Program installation and deployment become less complicated. If a DLL file is upgraded, every software that relies on that file will benefit.
There are several kinds of DLLs. Many are utilized by one or more programs. Device driver, Control Panel and ActiveX Control files are just some of them. ActiveX Control Files (.ocx) for instance, engage in a lot of functions that are reusable. In this sense they are comparable to Java. The files in the Windows Control Panel also use a lot of DLLs.
Usually there is no need to manually register/unregister DLL files; it is done automatically. But in case it has to be done manually, it pays to know the correct methods.
Charlie Brown is a free lancer writer and content builder of many Technology sites and has written many useful genuine articles.
i am getting a error that DLLRegistryServer entry point was not found when i tried to registerusing the following command regsvr32 inpout32.dll on windows xp .please suggest what to do now
also mail the suggestion to
[email protected]
Very helpful. Thank you very much.
i am getting a error that DLLRegistryServer entry point was not found when i tried to registerusing the following command regsvr32 isdone.dll on windows 8 64bit.when install gta iv .please suggest what to do now
also mail the suggestion to
[email protected]
First, thank you for posting this article.
Second, I’m running into the exact same issue as Aniket and ibrahim experianced but, instead of e-mailing the solution. Could you please leave a reply post with instructions on how to address it?
Thank you again.
I am getting the error DLLRegistryServer entry point was not found while installing
dll on windows server 2003.
command used : regsvr32 C:\WINDOWS\system32\jacob.dll
Could you please help?
same issue as above people who wrote a comment
windows 7 que j’avais avant etait bien facile que le8 qui complique beaucoup les choses
Open a cmd window and to register all your dll files on a 64 bit system
copy and paste this line carefully in cmd window.
%a in (c:\windows\syswow64\*.dll) do regsvr32.exe /s “%a”
For a 32bit system use this cmd line. Copy it carefully!
%a in (c:\windows\system32\*.dll) do regsvr32.exe /s “%a”
Thanks for the article. For information that were not mentioned in your article Patel, a good source to get additional insight is at http://errortools.com/?s=+.dll. The link contains different forms of .dll errors.
I am getting Isdone. Dll while installing game in window 7 64-bit. & i also try cmd window with carefully but same error is show while installing game. What am i do? This error can solve using window7 32-bit?
Very helpful…thank uu….
nice post.. we are expecting more and more from you….
we appreciate your attempt to provide your knowledge to others…
I am trying to register DLL file but I got an error like this module failed to load.
I use window 7 32 bit version.
can you please give me the idea how can I fix it
i use a VSS web and each time i try to launch the application, i always receive an error message “ActiveX control is not registered”. i use windows 7 operating system and all efforts to register using procedures downloaded on the net always fail. kindly guide me on how to overcome this challenge
i m getting location not found or use binary name
Thanks a lot
Thanks a lot!
Awesome article shared,
it really helped me a lot to solve the dll issue.