Object-Oriented programming is one of the widely used programming paradigm that uses abstraction to create model based on real world. It is a model organized around “objects” rather than “actions” and data rather than logic. Historically, a program has been viewed as a logical procedure that takes input data, processes it, and produces output data. Object-oriented programming (OOP) uses “objects” – data structures consisting of datafields and methods – and their interactions to design applications and computer programs. Each object can be seen as a tiny machine which is responsible for the set of task assign to it. Today, many popular programming languages (such as Java, JavaScript, C#, C++, Python, PHP etc) support object-oriented programming (OOP). JavaScript has strong object-oriented programming capabilities. Although there is differences in object-oriented capability of javascript compared to other languages.
First let us see few terminologies that we use in object-oriented programming. Class: Defines the characteristics of the Object. Constructor: A method called at the moment of instantiation. Object: An Instance of a Class. Method: An Object capability as walk. Property: An Object characteristic, such as color. Inheritance: A Class can inherit characteristics from another Class. Encapsulation: A Class defines only the characteristics of the Object, a method defines only how the method executes. Abstraction: The conjunction of complex inheritance, methods, properties of an Object must be able to simulate a reality model. Polymorphism: Different Classes might define the same method or property.
The Class in JavaScript
Unlike Java, C++ etc, JavaScript does not contains class statement. JavaScript is a prototype-based language. JavaScript uses functions as classes. Defining a class is as easy as defining a function. In the example below we define a new class called Car.
//Define the class CarfunctionCar() { }
Code language:JavaScript(javascript)
The Object (Class Instance) in JavaScript
For creating instances of any class i.e. objects use new keyword. For example, in below code snippet we created two instances of class Car.
//Define the class CarfunctionCar() { }
var car1 = new Car();
var car2 = new Car();
Code language:JavaScript(javascript)
The Constructor in JavaScript
In object oriented methodology, a Constructor is a method that is used to initiate the properties of any class instance. Thus the constructor gets called when the class is instantiated.
As in JavaScript there is no class keyword and the function serves as class definition, there is no need of defining constructor explicitly. The function defined for the class acts as constructor. For example, in following code snippet we have called an alert statement when class Car is instantiated.
//Define the class CarfunctionCar() {
alert("Class CAR Instantiated");
var car1 = new Car();
var car2 = new Car();
Code language:JavaScript(javascript)
The Property (object attribute) in JavaScript
Properties are the variable that are member of an object and can define the state of any instance of Class. Property of a class can be accessed within the class using this keyword. For example, in following code snippet we have assign a property speed to Car.
//Define the class CarfunctionCar(speed) {
alert("Class CAR Instantiated");
this.speed = speed;
var car1 = new Car(40);
var car2 = new Car(60);
alert("Car1 Speed: " + car1.speed);
alert("Car2 Speed: " + car2.speed);
Code language:JavaScript(javascript)
One thing we should note here is that for inheritance works correctly, the Properties should be set in the prototype property of the class (function). The above example becomes:
//Define the class CarfunctionCar(speed) {
alert("Class CAR Instantiated");
this.speed = speed;
Car.prototype.speed= 'Car Speed';
var car1 = new Car(40);
var car2 = new Car(60);
alert("Car1 Speed: " + car1.speed);
alert("Car2 Speed: " + car2.speed);
Code language:JavaScript(javascript)
The methods in JavaScript
To define methods in a Class, all you have to do is just define a attribute and assign an function to it. For example, in below code snippet we defined a method setSpeed() for class Car.
//Define the class CarfunctionCar(speed) {
alert("Class CAR Instantiated");
this.speed = speed;
Car.prototype.speed= 'Car Speed';
Car.prototype.setSpeed = function(speed) {
this.speed = speed;
alert("Car speed changed");
var car1 = new Car(40);
var car2 = new Car(60);
Code language:JavaScript(javascript)
Inheritance in JavaScript
JavaScript supports single class inheritance. To create a child class that inherit parent class, we create a Parent class object and assign it to the Child class. In following example we created a child class Ferrari from parent class Car.
//Define the Car classfunctionCar() { }
Car.prototype.speed= 'Car Speed';
Car.prototype.setSpeed = function(speed) {
this.speed = speed;
alert("Car speed changed");
//Define the Ferrari classfunctionFerrari() { }
Ferrari.prototype = new Car();
// correct the constructor pointer because it points to Car
Ferrari.prototype.constructor = Ferrari;
// replace the setSpeed method
Ferrari.prototype.setSpeed = function(speed) {
this.speed = speed;
alert("Ferrari speed changed");
var car = new Ferrari();
Code language:JavaScript(javascript)
Encapsulation in JavaScript
In JavaScript, encapsulation is achieved by the inheritance. The child class inherit all the properties and methods of parent class and needs to override the method only that needs to be changed. This encapsulation by which every class inherits the methods of its parent and only needs to define things it wishes to change. Update: A new tutorial cover these Javascript OOPs topics in details. Please refer: JavaScript 101: Objects and Functions
\"In JavaScript, encapsulation is achieved by the inheritance. The child class inherit all the properties and methods of parent class\"
In JavaScript, when you create a subclass from an existing class, only the *public* and *privileged* members are passed on (public/privileged members are created using the this keyword). You can also implement encapsulation with private members using closures.
In your example, this.speed is public and accessible, you can change it after instantiating the object. To truly protect speed, you\’d want to do something like this (I hope the spacing will be preserved):
var Car = function(mph) {
//private attribute
var speed;
//privileged methods
this.getSpeed = function() {
return speed;
this.setSpeed = function(mph) {
speed = mph;
} ;
Car.prototype = {
//public, non-privileged methods go here
whatever: function () {}
speed is private, you can only access it using the public getter and setter.
You can subclass Car and still access speed, but only through the privileged methods (getSpeed and setSpeed) because the privileged methods will be passed on (they are publicly accessible via the this keyword). No instance methods in the subclass will have *direct* access to speed, though – you have to go through the existing privileged methods (getSpeed and setSpeed).
\"JavaScript supports single class inheritance.\"
JavaScript also has prototypal inheritance which uses objects instead of defining a class structure and technically, you can have multiple inheritance via augmentation/mixins.
Well i just want to point that JavaScript instantiation method does not mean copy public methods from the prototype, this process is an implementation of decoration pattern. Every instance creates an empty object that decorates the constructor.prototype object, so actually instance or inheritance (actually done by instance), its a decoration process, this is the process by which JavaScript allows to have dynamic classes, and when you augment the class all previous instances of that class get the method.
Excellent article. Clearly understandable. I have got confused with class and function in oop concept in javascript. After I read this, I clearly understood. Thanks for posting.
Really awesome post. I was confused with classes, functions, objects, instance of class which is same as class object etc. But thanks a lot for such a nice post.
I am working on a certain documentation which involves both JavaScript and C++ users. I need to add example codes. If possible can you provide an example of C++ code (with class definition, variables and methods, its implementation) and also the same code written in JavaScript. It would clear more of my doubts and help me to write proper examples.
\"In JavaScript, encapsulation is achieved by the inheritance. The child class inherit all the properties and methods of parent class\"
In JavaScript, when you create a subclass from an existing class, only the *public* and *privileged* members are passed on (public/privileged members are created using the this keyword). You can also implement encapsulation with private members using closures.
In your example, this.speed is public and accessible, you can change it after instantiating the object. To truly protect speed, you\’d want to do something like this (I hope the spacing will be preserved):
speed is private, you can only access it using the public getter and setter.
You can subclass Car and still access speed, but only through the privileged methods (getSpeed and setSpeed) because the privileged methods will be passed on (they are publicly accessible via the this keyword). No instance methods in the subclass will have *direct* access to speed, though – you have to go through the existing privileged methods (getSpeed and setSpeed).
\"JavaScript supports single class inheritance.\"
JavaScript also has prototypal inheritance which uses objects instead of defining a class structure and technically, you can have multiple inheritance via augmentation/mixins.
Well i just want to point that JavaScript instantiation method does not mean copy public methods from the prototype, this process is an implementation of decoration pattern. Every instance creates an empty object that decorates the constructor.prototype object, so actually instance or inheritance (actually done by instance), its a decoration process, this is the process by which JavaScript allows to have dynamic classes, and when you augment the class all previous instances of that class get the method.
i wrote an article on the same topic of Object Oriented JavaScript in Mozilla
Thanks for the posting
Excellent article. Clearly understandable. I have got confused with class and function in oop concept in javascript. After I read this, I clearly understood. Thanks for posting.
really awesome, ThanQ .
Hi Viral ,
Really awesome post. I was confused with classes, functions, objects, instance of class which is same as class object etc. But thanks a lot for such a nice post.
Many thanks,
Hi Viral,
I am working on a certain documentation which involves both JavaScript and C++ users. I need to add example codes. If possible can you provide an example of C++ code (with class definition, variables and methods, its implementation) and also the same code written in JavaScript. It would clear more of my doubts and help me to write proper examples.
Hey i tried this one n i check its not working……
//Define the class Car
function Car(speed) {
alert(“Class CAR Instantiated”);
this.speed = speed;
Car.prototype.speed= ‘Car Speed’;
Car.prototype.setSpeed = function(speed) {
this.speed = speed;
alert(“Car speed changed”);
var car1 = new Car(40);
var car2 = new Car(60);
Really so simple and easy to understand JAVA Script… Thank u so much for such a good blog.
Shall we hide javascript oops in client side
Fantastic! Great work on explaining everything so well!