iText tutorial: Merge & Split PDF files using iText JAR

In previous article about Generating PDF files using iText JAR, Kiran Hegde had described a nice and basic way of generating PDF files in Java using iTest JAR. It is a great starter tutorial for those who wants to start working with iText. In one of the requirement, I had to merge two or more PDF files and generate a single PDF file out of it. I thought of implementing the functionality from scratch in iText, but then thought to google it and see if already someone have written code for what I was looking for. As expected, I got a nice implementation of java code that merges 2 or more PDF files using iText jar. I thought of dissecting the code in this post and give credit to original author of the post.

Merge PDF files in Java using iText JAR

So here we go. First let us see the code.
package net.viralpatel.itext.pdf; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import com.lowagie.text.Document; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.BaseFont; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfContentByte; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfImportedPage; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfReader; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter; public class MergePDF { public static void main(String[] args) { try { List<InputStream> pdfs = new ArrayList<InputStream>(); pdfs.add(new FileInputStream("c:\\1.pdf")); pdfs.add(new FileInputStream("c:\\2.pdf")); OutputStream output = new FileOutputStream("c:\\merge.pdf"); MergePDF.concatPDFs(pdfs, output, true); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void concatPDFs(List<InputStream> streamOfPDFFiles, OutputStream outputStream, boolean paginate) { Document document = new Document(); try { List<InputStream> pdfs = streamOfPDFFiles; List<PdfReader> readers = new ArrayList<PdfReader>(); int totalPages = 0; Iterator<InputStream> iteratorPDFs = pdfs.iterator(); // Create Readers for the pdfs. while (iteratorPDFs.hasNext()) { InputStream pdf =; PdfReader pdfReader = new PdfReader(pdf); readers.add(pdfReader); totalPages += pdfReader.getNumberOfPages(); } // Create a writer for the outputstream PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, outputStream);; BaseFont bf = BaseFont.createFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA, BaseFont.CP1252, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED); PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent(); // Holds the PDF // data PdfImportedPage page; int currentPageNumber = 0; int pageOfCurrentReaderPDF = 0; Iterator<PdfReader> iteratorPDFReader = readers.iterator(); // Loop through the PDF files and add to the output. while (iteratorPDFReader.hasNext()) { PdfReader pdfReader =; // Create a new page in the target for each source page. while (pageOfCurrentReaderPDF < pdfReader.getNumberOfPages()) { document.newPage(); pageOfCurrentReaderPDF++; currentPageNumber++; page = writer.getImportedPage(pdfReader, pageOfCurrentReaderPDF); cb.addTemplate(page, 0, 0); // Code for pagination. if (paginate) { cb.beginText(); cb.setFontAndSize(bf, 9); cb.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_CENTER, "" + currentPageNumber + " of " + totalPages, 520, 5, 0); cb.endText(); } } pageOfCurrentReaderPDF = 0; } outputStream.flush(); document.close(); outputStream.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (document.isOpen()) document.close(); try { if (outputStream != null) outputStream.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } } } }
Code language: Java (java)
If you see what the code does is pretty simple.
  1. In main() method, we create a List of InputStream objects that points to all the input PDF files we need to merge
  2. We call MergePDF.concatPDFs() static method passing list of input PDFs, OutputStream object for merged output PDF and a boolean flag that represents whether you need to include page numbers at the end of each page as command line arguments
  3. In concatPDFs() method, first we convert List of InputStream objects to List of PdfReader objects in first while loop. And also we keep count of the total pages in all the input PDF files.
  4. Next we create BaseFont object using BaseFont.createFont() method. This will be the font for writing page numbers
  5. Next we create output objects to write our merged PDF file using Document class object and PdfWriter.getInstance() method
  6. Finally we write all the input PDFs into merged output PDF iterating each PDF and then writing each page of it in two while loops
  7. And then, close all the streams and clear all the buffers. Good boys do this ;-)
So now we know how to merge PDF files into one, let us see the way to split a PDF file or extract a part of PDF into another PDF.

Split PDF files in Java using iText JAR

Let us see the code.
/** * @author * * @param inputStream Input PDF file * @param outputStream Output PDF file * @param fromPage start page from input PDF file * @param toPage end page from input PDF file */ public static void splitPDF(InputStream inputStream, OutputStream outputStream, int fromPage, int toPage) { Document document = new Document(); try { PdfReader inputPDF = new PdfReader(inputStream); int totalPages = inputPDF.getNumberOfPages(); //make fromPage equals to toPage if it is greater if(fromPage > toPage ) { fromPage = toPage; } if(toPage > totalPages) { toPage = totalPages; } // Create a writer for the outputstream PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, outputStream);; PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent(); // Holds the PDF data PdfImportedPage page; while(fromPage <= toPage) { document.newPage(); page = writer.getImportedPage(inputPDF, fromPage); cb.addTemplate(page, 0, 0); fromPage++; } outputStream.flush(); document.close(); outputStream.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (document.isOpen()) document.close(); try { if (outputStream != null) outputStream.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } } }
Code language: Java (java)
In above code, we have created a method splitPDF () that can be used to extracts pages out of a PDF and write it into another PDF. The code is pretty much self explanatory and is similar to the one to merge PDF files. Thus, if you need to split an input.pdf (having 20 pages) into output1.pdf (1-12 pages of input.pdf) and output2.pdf (13-20 of input.pdf), you can call the above method as follow:
public static void main(String[] args) { try { MergePDF.splitPDF(new FileInputStream("C:\\input.pdf"), new FileOutputStream("C:\\output1.pdf"), 1, 12); MergePDF.splitPDF(new FileInputStream("C:\\input.pdf"), new FileOutputStream("C:\\output2.pdf"), 13, 20); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
Code language: Java (java)
Feel free to bookmark the code and share it if you feel it will be useful to you :)

View Comments

  • Hi ,
    I want to split the pdf if my pdf exceeds the given size.
    For Example,
    If my pdf size is 12MB,I want to split the pdf in to 5MB parts.
    So i need to split the pdf in to 3, 5MB,5MB,2MB respectively.
    Pls let me know whether this is possible.


    • @Prem, This example only splits the PDF on basis of page numbers. I will definitely try to write code for splitting pdf on basis of size and update you.

      • @Viral Patel, Thanks for the great comprehensive tutorial on merger two PDF's, it does work great, and always 2nd pdf concatenates at the end of the merge PDF, How to add PDF in between the merge PDF @say, given particular page number...Please give me directions, Thanks

  • I would like to paste my code here to split a PDF based on bookmarks using iText. All my bookmarks are on level1. I based my code sample on the example on this page, and that's why I would like to place my code here. I couldn't really find any example of splitting a PDF based on bookmarks with iText, so I thought it could help other people if I put my code on this page:

    public static void splitPDFByBookmarks(String pdf, String outputFolder){
                PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(pdf);
                //List of bookmarks: each bookmark is a map with values for title, page, etc
                List<HashMap> bookmarks = SimpleBookmark.getBookmark(reader);
                for(int i=0; i<bookmarks.size(); i++){
                    HashMap bm = bookmarks.get(i);
                    HashMap nextBM = i==bookmarks.size()-1 ? null : bookmarks.get(i+1);
                    //In my case I needed to split the title string
                    String title = ((String)bm.get("Title")).split(" ")[2];
                    log.debug("Titel: " + title);
                    String startPage = ((String)bm.get("Page")).split(" ")[0];
                    String startPageNextBM = nextBM==null ? "" + (reader.getNumberOfPages() + 1) : ((String)nextBM.get("Page")).split(" ")[0];
                    log.debug("Page: " + startPage);
                    extractBookmarkToPDF(reader, Integer.valueOf(startPage), Integer.valueOf(startPageNextBM), title + ".pdf",outputFolder);
            catch (IOException e)
        private static void extractBookmarkToPDF(PdfReader reader, int pageFrom, int pageTo, String outputName, String outputFolder){
            Document document = new Document();
            OutputStream os = null;
                os = new FileOutputStream(outputFolder + outputName);
                // Create a writer for the outputstream
                PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, os);
                PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent(); // Holds the PDF data
                PdfImportedPage page;
                while(pageFrom < pageTo) {
                    page = writer.getImportedPage(reader, pageFrom);
                    cb.addTemplate(page, 0, 0);
            }catch(Exception ex){
            }finally {
                if (document.isOpen())
                try {
                    if (os != null)
                } catch (IOException ioe) {
    • Hi Goblin_Queen

      NOT getting "page" key in the bookmark hashmap.

      I am getting the page key only for first and last bookmark & not able to see the page key in the map for other than first and last bookmark. Thats why i cant navigate the pages of bookmarks.
      [code language="java"]
      List bookmarks = SimpleBookmark.getBookmark(reader);
      System.out.println(bookmarks.size()+" bookmarks =&gt;"+bookmarks );
      The above two lines gives the following result...
      [{Action=GoTo, Page=1 FitH 669, Title=Front cover}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G1.108174, Title=brief contents}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G1.108372, Title=contents}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G1.107920, Title=preface}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G1.107932, Title=acknowledgments}, {Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Action=GoTo, Named=G1.107944, Title=Who should read this book}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G1.107946, Title=Roadmap}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G1.107954, Title=Code conventions and downloads}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G1.107957, Title=Software requirements}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G1.107961, Title=Author Online}], Named=G1.107942, Title=about this book}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G1.107965, Title=about the cover illustration}, {Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Action=GoTo, Named=G2.998644, Title=1.1.1 Seeing objects as services}], Named=G2.998545, Title=1.1 Every solution needs a problem}, {Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Action=GoTo, Named=G2.999513, Title=1.2.1 Construction by hand}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G2.1000151, Title=1.2.2 The Factory pattern}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G2.1002774, Title=1.2.3 The Service Locator pattern}], Named=G2.998957, Title=1.2 Pre-DI solutions}, {Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Action=GoTo, Named=G2.1003053, Title=1.3.1 The Hollywood Principle}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G2.1003538, Title=1.3.2 Inversion of Control vs. dependency injection}], Named=G2.1003003, Title=1.3 Embracing dependency injection}, {Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Action=GoTo, Named=G2.1003844, Title=1.4.1 Java}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G2.1004442, Title=1.4.2 DI in other languages and libraries}], Named=G2.1003819, Title=1.4 Dependency injection in the real world}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G2.1004528, Title=1.5 Summary}], Named=G2.998457, Title=Dependency injection: what’s all the hype?}, {Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Action=GoTo, Named=G3.998617, Title=2.1 Bootstrapping the injector}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G3.998809, Title=2.2 Constructing objects with dependency injection}, {Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Action=GoTo, Named=G3.1000106, Title=2.3.1 XML injection in Spring}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G3.1001142, Title=2.3.2 From XML to in-code configuration}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G3.1002177, Title=2.3.3 Injection in PicoContainer}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G3.1002827, Title=2.3.4 Revisiting Spring and autowiring}], Named=G3.999981, Title=2.3 Metadata and injector configuration}, {Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Action=GoTo, Named=G3.1004269, Title=2.4.1 Identifying by string keys}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G3.1006207, Title=2.4.2 Limitations of string keys}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G3.1007033, Title=2.4.3 Identifying by type}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G3.1007751, Title=2.4.4 Limitations of identifying by type}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G3.1007909, Title=2.4.5 Combinatorial keys: a comprehensive solution}], Named=G3.1003588, Title=2.4 Identifying dependencies for injection}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G3.1009438, Title=2.5 Separating infrastructure and application logic}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G3.1009541, Title=2.6 Summary}], Named=G3.998448, Title=Time for injection}, {Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Action=GoTo, Named=G4.998758, Title=3.1.1 Constructor injection}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G4.998880, Title=3.1.2 Setter injection}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G4.1000807, Title=3.1.3 Interface injection}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G4.1001788, Title=3.1.4 Method decoration (or AOP injection)}], Named=G4.998736, Title=3.1 Injection idioms}, {Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Action=GoTo, Named=G4.1003219, Title=3.2.1 Constructor vs. setter injection}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G4.1004405, Title=3.2.2 The constructor pyramid problem}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G4.1004791, Title=3.2.3 The circular reference problem}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G4.1006827, Title=3.2.4 The in-construction problem}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G4.1008163, Title=3.2.5 Constructor injection and object validity}], Named=G4.1003190, Title=3.2 Choosing an injection idiom}, {Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Action=GoTo, Named=G4.1009765, Title=3.3.1 The reinjection problem}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G4.1010385, Title=3.3.2 Reinjection with the Provider pattern}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G4.1011357, Title=3.3.3 The contextual injection problem}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G4.1011857, Title=3.3.4 Contextual injection with the Assisted Injection pattern}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G4.1013405, Title=3.3.5 Flexible partial injection with the Builder pattern}], Named=G4.1009724, Title=3.3 Not all at once: partial injection}, {Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Action=GoTo, Named=G4.1015816, Title=3.4.1 Injecting with externalized metadata}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G4.1016872, Title=3.4.2 Using the Adapter pattern}], Named=G4.1015786, Title=3.4 Injecting objects in sealed code}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G4.1017327, Title=3.5 Summary}], Named=G4.998430, Title=Investigating DI}, {Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Action=GoTo, Named=G5.998515, Title=4.1 Understanding the role of an object}, {Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Action=GoTo, Named=G5.998776, Title=4.2.1 Perils of tight coupling}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G5.999775, Title=4.2.2 Refactoring impacts of tight coupling}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G5.1001749, Title=4.2.3 Programming to contract}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G5.1002620, Title=4.2.4 Loose coupling with dependency injection}], Named=G5.998640, Title=4.2 Separation of concerns (my pants are too tight!)}, {Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Action=GoTo, Named=G5.1003221, Title=4.3.1 Out-of-container (unit) testing}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G5.1003492, Title=4.3.2 I really need my dependencies!}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G5.1003727, Title=4.3.3 More on mocking dependencies}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G5.1004357, Title=4.3.4 Integration testing}], Named=G5.1003135, Title=4.3 Testing components}, {Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Action=GoTo, Named=G5.1005095, Title=4.4.1 Rebinding dependencies}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G5.1005162, Title=4.4.2 Mutability with the Adapter pattern}], Named=G5.1005054, Title=4.4 Different deployment profiles}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G5.1006093, Title=4.5 Summary}], Named=G5.1012426, Title=Building modular applications}, {Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Action=GoTo, Named=G6.998572, Title=5.1 What is scope?}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G6.998953, Title=5.2 The no scope (or default scope)}, {Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Action=GoTo, Named=G6.1000438, Title=5.3.1 Singletons in practice}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G6.1002768, Title=5.3.2 The singleton anti-pattern}], Named=G6.999945, Title=5.3 The singleton scope}, {Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Action=GoTo, Named=G6.1004465, Title=5.4.1 HTTP request scope}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G6.1008619, Title=5.4.2 HTTP session scope}], Named=G6.1004208, Title=5.4 Domain-specific scopes: the web}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G6.1010476, Title=5.5 Summary}], Named=G6.998430, Title=Scope: a fresh breath of state}, {Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Action=GoTo, Named=G7.998584, Title=6.1.1 A quick primer on transactions}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G7.998675, Title=6.1.2 Creating a custom transaction scope}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G7.999599, Title=6.1.3 A custom scope in Guice}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G7.1001081, Title=6.1.4 A custom scope in Spring}], Named=G7.998524, Title=6.1 Defining a custom scope}, {Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Action=GoTo, Named=G7.1002711, Title=6.2.1 Singletons must be thread-safe}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G7.1003715, Title=6.2.2 Perils of scope-widening injection}], Named=G7.1002677, Title=6.2 Pitfalls and corner cases in scoping}, {Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Action=GoTo, Named=G7.1007992, Title=6.3.1 Cache scope}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G7.1008059, Title=6.3.2 Grid scope}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G7.1008382, Title=6.3.3 Transparent grid computing with DI}], Named=G7.1007946, Title=6.3 Leveraging the power of scopes}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G7.1008801, Title=6.4 Summary}], Named=G7.998430, Title=More use cases in scoping}, {Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Action=GoTo, Named=G8.998530, Title=7.1.1 Object creation}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G8.998974, Title=7.1.2 Object destruction (or finalization)}], Named=G8.998452, Title=7.1 Significant events in the life of objects}, {Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Action=GoTo, Named=G8.999629, Title=7.2.1 Contrasting lifecycle scenarios: servlets vs. database connections}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G8.1001494, Title=7.2.2 The Destructor anti-pattern}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G8.1001859, Title=7.2.3 Using Java’s Closeable interface}], Named=G8.999558, Title=7.2 One size doesn’t fit all (domain-specific lifecycle)}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G8.1002277, Title=7.3 A real-world lifecycle scenario: stateful EJBs}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G8.1002948, Title=7.4 Lifecycle and lazy instantiation}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G8.1003216, Title=7.5 Customizing lifecycle with postprocessing}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G8.1005146, Title=7.6 Customizing lifecycle with multicasting}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G8.1005897, Title=7.7 Summary}], Named=G8.998385, Title=From birth to death: object lifecycle}, {Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Action=GoTo, Named=G9.998940, Title=8.1.1 A tracing interceptor with Guice}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G9.999710, Title=8.1.2 A tracing interceptor with Spring}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G9.1000392, Title=8.1.3 How proxying works}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G9.1001800, Title=8.1.4 Too much advice can be dangerous!}], Named=G9.998792, Title=8.1 Intercepting methods and AOP}, {Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Action=GoTo, Named=G9.1002580, Title=8.2.1 Transactional methods with warp-persist}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G9.1004109, Title=8.2.2 Securing methods with Spring Security}], Named=G9.1002540, Title=8.2 Enterprise use cases for interception}, {Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Action=GoTo, Named=G9.1005451, Title=8.3.1 Sameness tests are unreliable}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G9.1006230, Title=8.3.2 Static methods cannot be intercepted}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G9.1006559, Title=8.3.3 Neither can private methods}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G9.1007280, Title=8.3.4 And certainly not final methods!}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G9.1008012, Title=8.3.5 Fields are off limits}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G9.1008841, Title=8.3.6 Unit tests and interception}], Named=G9.1005419, Title=8.3 Pitfalls and assumptions about interception and proxying}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G9.1009874, Title=8.4 Summary}], Named=G9.998403, Title=Managing an object’s behavior}, {Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Action=GoTo, Named=G10.999803, Title=9.1.1 Safe publication}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G10.1000274, Title=9.1.2 Safe wiring}], Named=G10.998572, Title=9.1 Objects and visibility}, {Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Action=GoTo, Named=G10.1001069, Title=9.2.1 On data and services}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G10.1003319, Title=9.2.2 On better encapsulation}], Named=G10.1001045, Title=9.2 Objects and design}, {Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Action=GoTo, Named=G10.1005361, Title=9.3.1 More on mutability}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G10.1007571, Title=9.3.2 Synchronization vs. concurrency}], Named=G10.1005326, Title=9.3 Objects and concurrency}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G10.1008397, Title=9.4 Summary}], Named=G10.1013488, Title=Best practices in code design}, {Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Action=GoTo, Named=G11.998530, Title=10.1 Fragmentation of DI solutions}, {Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Action=GoTo, Named=G11.999753, Title=10.2.1 Rigid configuration anti-patterns}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G11.1001768, Title=10.2.2 Black box anti-patterns}], Named=G11.999657, Title=10.2 Lessons for framework designers}, {Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Action=GoTo, Named=G11.1003603, Title=10.3.1 Case study: JSR-303}], Named=G11.1003574, Title=10.3 Programmatic configuration to the rescue}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G11.1007253, Title=10.4 Summary}], Named=G11.998431, Title=Integrating with third-party frameworks}, {Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Action=GoTo, Named=G12.998588, Title=11.1.1 Crosstalk’s requirements}], Named=G12.998536, Title=11.1 Crosstalk: a Twitter clone!}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G12.998679, Title=11.2 Setting up the application}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G12.1000527, Title=11.3 Configuring Google Sitebricks}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G12.1001393, Title=11.4 Crosstalk’s modularity and service coupling}, {Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Action=GoTo, Named=G12.1002594, Title=11.5.1 The HomePage template}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G12.1003550, Title=11.5.2 The Tweet domain object}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G12.1004785, Title=11.5.3 Users and sessions}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G12.1005775, Title=11.5.4 Logging in and out}], Named=G12.1001567, Title=11.5 The presentation layer}, {Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Action=GoTo, Named=G12.1008403, Title=11.6.1 Configuring the persistence layer}], Named=G12.1007373, Title=11.6 The persistence layer}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G12.1009427, Title=11.7 The security layer}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G12.1009867, Title=11.8 Tying up to the web lifecycle}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G12.1010116, Title=11.9 Finally: up and running!}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G12.1010349, Title=11.10 Summary}], Named=G12.998440, Title=Dependency injection in action!}, {Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Action=GoTo, Named=G13.998449, Title=A.1 A DSL for dependency injection}, {Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Action=GoTo, Named=G13.998538, Title=A.2.1 The DSL basics}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G13.998750, Title=A.2.2 The Factory chain}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G13.998972, Title=A.2.3 Contextual injection via input parameters}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G13.999260, Title=A.2.4 Reinjection via factory injection}], Named=G13.998509, Title=A.2 Application configuration}], Named=G13.1000235, Title=appendix A: The Butterfly Container}, {Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Action=GoTo, Named=G14.998506, Title=B.1.1 Injection annotations}], Named=G14.998483, Title=B.1 The class+name key}, {Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Action=GoTo, Named=G14.998832, Title=B.2.1 But how do I kickstart the whole thing?}], Named=G14.998656, Title=B.2 Injector rules}], Named=G14.998427, Title=appendix B: SmartyPants for Adobe Flex}, {Open=false, Action=GoTo, Kids=[{Action=GoTo, Named=G15.1659028, Title=Symbols}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G15.1659087, Title=A}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G15.1659219, Title=B}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G15.1659269, Title=C}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G15.1659485, Title=D}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G15.1659632, Title=E}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G15.1659682, Title=F}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G15.1659743, Title=G}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G15.1659854, Title=H}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G15.1659920, Title=I}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G15.1660036, Title=J}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G15.1660155, Title=K}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G15.1660171, Title=L}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G15.1660249, Title=M}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G15.1660316, Title=N}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G15.1660343, Title=O}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G15.1660432, Title=P}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G15.1660567, Title=R}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G15.1660629, Title=S}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G15.1660968, Title=T}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G15.1661074, Title=U}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G15.1661097, Title=V}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G15.1661109, Title=W}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G15.1661146, Title=X}, {Action=GoTo, Named=G15.1661154, Title=Z}], Named=G15.1010277, Title=index}, {Action=GoTo, Page=354 FitH 608, Title=Back cover}]

      Please suggest some solution


    • hi,

      I have to split pdf based on chapters i am not able to get some of the childs of please help me

  • i had downloaded iText jar 5.0.1 but it do not contain com.lowagie.text.table package what should i do?? i want to create table dynamically in pdf page..

  • Viral,
    I was searching pdf splittig on the basis of size(excedding a given size say > 10 MB). Prem was also looking for the same last year.Just checking if you got an opportunity to write on this.

    Thanks for your help

  • Viral : If you already found the script for splitting pdfs by page size, it would be VERY handy
    Thx in advance

  • Hi Viral,

    By any chance is it possible to split the pages randomly? E.g. I have a PDF document of 20 pages and now I was a new PDF containing only 2nd, 5th, 11th and 16th page of the original document.

    Thanks in advance.

Published by
Viral Patel
Tags: iText Java merge pdf pdf PDF in Java split pdf

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