Implementing Logout functionality in a form based authentication in J2EE website is straight forward. The session needs to be invalidated by calling request.getSession().invalidate() method. Thus in a simple servlet following code will be the code for logout:
This is simple way for implementing logout. There is also another, easier, way to logout the user when using WebSphere Application Server. All you have to do is have a form which gets submit to action ibm_security_logout.
<formmethod="post"action="ibm_security_logout"name="logoutForm"><inputtype="hidden"name="logoutExitPage"VALUE="/sampleapplication/index.jsp" >
Click here to logout:
Code language:HTML, XML(xml)
In the above example, the hidden field “logoutExitPage” is contains the value of the page where the application redirects after logout.
I used the servlet code for LogOut utility. After logging our I am redirecting the browser to Log-in page. And on login page when user clicks on the back button, my application goes to the previous page from where user has executed logout.
I used the servlet code for LogOut utility. After logging our I am redirecting the browser to Log-in page. And on login page when user clicks on the back button, my application goes to the previous page from where user has executed logout.
Kindly help.
Thank you.