How To Convert Number into Words using Oracle SQL Query

How can you convert a number into words using Oracle Sql Query? What I mean by Number to Word is:

12 = Twelve 102 = One Hundred Two 1020 = One Thousand Twenty
Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

Here’s a classy query which will convert number into words.Please see the query below:

select to_char(to_date(:number,'j'),'jsp') from dual;
Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

If I pass 234 in number, then the output will : two hundred thirty-four

SELECT TO_CHAR (TO_DATE (234, 'j'), 'jsp') FROM DUAL; //Output: two hundred thirty-four SELECT TO_CHAR (TO_DATE (24834, 'j'), 'jsp') FROM DUAL; //Output: twenty-four thousand eight hundred thirty-four SELECT TO_CHAR (TO_DATE (2447834, 'j'), 'jsp') FROM DUAL; //Output: two million four hundred forty-seven thousand eight hundred thirty-four
Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

So how the query works? Well here’s why: If you look into the inner most part of the query to_date(:number,'j') the ‘j’ or J is the Julian Date (January 1, 4713 BC), basically this date is been used for astronomical studies. So to_date(:number,'j') it take the number represented by number and pretend it is a julian date, convert into a date. If you pass 3 to number, so it will convert date to 3rd Jan 4713 BC, it means 3 is added to the Julian date. Now to_char(to_date(:number,'j'),'jsp')jsp = Now; take that date(to_date(:number,'j')) and spell the julian number it represents

Limitation & workaround

There is a limitation while using Julian dates ,It ranges from 1 to 5373484. That’s why if you put the values after 5373484, it will throw you an error as shown below:

ORA-01854: julian date must be between 1 and 5373484
Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

To cater the above problem ,create a function ,and with little trick with j->jsp ,you can fetch the desired result.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION spell_number (p_number IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 AS TYPE myArray IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2 (255); l_str myArray := myArray ('', ' thousand ', ' million ', ' billion ', ' trillion ', ' quadrillion ', ' quintillion ', ' sextillion ', ' septillion ', ' octillion ', ' nonillion ', ' decillion ', ' undecillion ', ' duodecillion '); l_num VARCHAR2 (50) DEFAULT TRUNC (p_number); l_return VARCHAR2 (4000); BEGIN FOR i IN 1 .. l_str.COUNT LOOP EXIT WHEN l_num IS NULL; IF (SUBSTR (l_num, LENGTH (l_num) - 2, 3) <> 0) THEN l_return := TO_CHAR (TO_DATE (SUBSTR (l_num, LENGTH (l_num) - 2, 3), 'J'), 'Jsp') || l_str (i) || l_return; END IF; l_num := SUBSTR (l_num, 1, LENGTH (l_num) - 3); END LOOP; RETURN l_return; END; / SELECT spell_number (53734555555585) FROM DUAL;
Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)


Fifty-Three trillion Seven Hundred Thirty-Four billion Five Hundred Fifty-Five million Five Hundred Fifty-Five thousand Five Hundred Eighty-Five

Hope this helps :)

View Comments

  • When i am running this query i see the below error

    [SQL] SELECT TO_CHAR (TO_DATE (24834, 'j'), 'jsp') FROM DUAL;
    [Err] 1305 - TO_CHAR does not exist

  • Nice and Handy technique.. Found a good thing on your rss feed after quite some time.
    I Guess a very handful of people knew about it.

    Is it Oracle only trick or is it valid for any SQL (like MySQL or SQLite) ?

    • Hi, The functions that we used here to_char & to_date are oracle only. I am sure there might be similar methods with other DBs.

    • Srini, That's the limit of Julian date. I have updated the post and added a workaround for that problem. Have a look.

  • Hi,
    One other limitation that needs to be considered is that this code won't work if the NLS_CALENDAR is not set to Gregorian:
    alter session set nls_calendar = 'arabic hijrah';
    [code gutter="false" language="sql"]
    SELECT TO_CHAR (TO_DATE (19, 'j'), 'jsp') FROM DUAL;
    ORA-01841: (full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0
    The code needs to altered as below to fix the issue:
    [code gutter="false" language="sql"]
    SELECT TO_CHAR (TO_DATE (19, 'j','nls_calendar = ''gregorian'''), 'jsp','nls_calendar=''gregorian''') FROM DUAL

  • That's Great buddy,
    but how we can utilitse this function on the oracle 6i forms to show the result on Dispaly Item.

    • select to_char(to_date(floor(1234.99),'J'),'Jsp')||' and '||
      to_char(to_date((1234.99-(floor(1234.99)))*100,'J'),'Jsp')|| ' paise' from dual

  • If any one wants a single sql query to get this done please follow the below. It will show you till trillion amount but you can modify the same.
    A decimal number to word conversion.

    [code language="sql"]
    upper(case when length(floor(A.LCY_AMOUNT))&gt;12 then TO_CHAR (TO_DATE (floor(floor(A.LCY_AMOUNT)/1000000000000), 'j'), 'jsp')
    ||' TRILLION '||DECODE(substr(floor(A.LCY_AMOUNT),length(floor(A.LCY_AMOUNT))-11,3), 0, '',(TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(to_number(substr(floor(A.LCY_AMOUNT),length(floor(A.LCY_AMOUNT))-11,3)),'J'),'JSP'))||' BILLION ')
    ||DECODE(substr(floor(A.LCY_AMOUNT),length(floor(A.LCY_AMOUNT))-8,3), 0, '',(TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(to_number(substr(floor(A.LCY_AMOUNT),length(floor(A.LCY_AMOUNT))-8,3)),'J'),'JSP'))||' MILLION ')
    ||DECODE(substr(floor(A.LCY_AMOUNT),length(floor(A.LCY_AMOUNT))-5), 0, '',(TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(substr(floor(A.LCY_AMOUNT),length(floor(A.LCY_AMOUNT))-5),'J'),'JSP')))
    ||decode((A.LCY_AMOUNT-floor(A.LCY_AMOUNT))*100,0,'',' AND '||TO_CHAR (TO_DATE ((A.LCY_AMOUNT-floor(A.LCY_AMOUNT))*100, 'j'), 'jsp')||' CENTS')
    when length(floor(A.LCY_AMOUNT))&gt;9 then TO_CHAR (TO_DATE (floor(floor(A.LCY_AMOUNT)/1000000000), 'j'), 'jsp')
    ||' BILLION '||DECODE(substr(floor(A.LCY_AMOUNT),length(floor(A.LCY_AMOUNT))-8,3), 0, '',(TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(to_number(substr(floor(A.LCY_AMOUNT),length(floor(A.LCY_AMOUNT))-8,3)),'J'),'JSP'))||' MILLION ')
    ||DECODE(substr(floor(A.LCY_AMOUNT),length(floor(A.LCY_AMOUNT))-5), 0, '',(TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(substr(floor(A.LCY_AMOUNT),length(floor(A.LCY_AMOUNT))-5),'J'),'JSP')))
    ||decode((A.LCY_AMOUNT-floor(A.LCY_AMOUNT))*100,0,'',' AND '||TO_CHAR (TO_DATE ((A.LCY_AMOUNT-floor(A.LCY_AMOUNT))*100, 'j'), 'jsp')||' CENTS')
    when length(floor(A.LCY_AMOUNT))&gt;=7 then TO_CHAR (TO_DATE (floor(floor(A.LCY_AMOUNT)/1000000), 'j'), 'jsp')
    ||' MILLION '||DECODE(substr(floor(A.LCY_AMOUNT),length(floor(A.LCY_AMOUNT))-5), 0, '',(TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(substr(floor(A.LCY_AMOUNT),length(floor(A.LCY_AMOUNT))-5),'J'),'JSP')))
    ||decode((A.LCY_AMOUNT-floor(A.LCY_AMOUNT))*100,0,'',' AND '||TO_CHAR (TO_DATE ((A.LCY_AMOUNT-floor(A.LCY_AMOUNT))*100, 'j'), 'jsp')||' CENTS')
    else decode( (floor(A.LCY_AMOUNT)),0,'', ((TO_CHAR(TO_DATE((floor(A.LCY_AMOUNT)),'J'),'JSP'))))
    ||decode((A.LCY_AMOUNT-floor(A.LCY_AMOUNT))*100,0,'',' AND '||TO_CHAR (TO_DATE ((A.LCY_AMOUNT-floor(A.LCY_AMOUNT))*100, 'j'), 'jsp')||' CENTS')
    end ) Amount

Published by
Gaurav Soni
Tags: Database database queries Oracle PL-SQL SQL

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