How To Convert Number into Words using Oracle SQL Query
How can you convert a number into words using Oracle Sql Query? What I mean by Number to Word is: Here’s a classy query which will convert number into words.Please see the query below:...
How can you convert a number into words using Oracle Sql Query? What I mean by Number to Word is: Here’s a classy query which will convert number into words.Please see the query below:...
MySQL database provides a wonderful feature of Autoincrement Column index. Your database table can define its primary key as Autoincrement number and MySQL will take care of its unique value while inserting new rows....
Let us understand how One-to-one mapping works in Hibernate. Following is a simply yet concept building example where we will understand One-to-one mapping in Hibernate framework using XML Mappings. We will use two tables...
In this tutorial, we will try to write a small hello world program using Hibernate, MySQL and Maven. We will create a Java project using Maven and will then try to add Hibernate on...
Oracle 11g introduced the concept of ‘Virtual Column’ within a table. Virtual Columns are similar to normal table’s columns but with the following differences: They are defined by an expression. The result of evaluation...
Aggregate functions return a single result row based on a group of rows. This differentiates them from Single-Row functions which act on each row. These functions are extensively used with the GROUP BY clause...
Most of the times, production data is not available in development environments. Here, I would like to share a single sql command which can generate random data. But before that, let’s address another issue...
Deleting duplicate rows from tables is one of the common task oracle developers come across. The data might get duplicated because of missing primary/unique key on the table or batch file getting loaded multiple...
The effective usage of an index is always a big question. There are instances in production environments, where an index may help the performance of just a single query, while it can degrade the...
As the data grows in relational databases (new business requirements, managing audit data etc), the cost associated with the disk systems to store that data and the resources required to manage them becomes vital....