struts2-series Tutorials, Tips & Tricks

Struts 2 Action Chaining example

In Struts 2, sometimes you may want to process another action when one action completes. For example on successfully submitting a form you want to render output from other action. This is called Action...

Struts 2 Tip: Override Default Theme

Recently I came up with a requirement in Struts 2 to display a particular form with some style and alignment. While creating the form the developer had used Struts 2’s taglib /struts-tags to paint...

Struts2 Interceptors Tutorial with Example

Struts2 Interceptors Tutorial with Example

Welcome to Part-5 of 7-Part series where we are discussing different aspects of Struts2 Framework. In the previous article we saw how to integrate Tiles framework with Struts2. Today we will explorer the world...

Introduction to Struts 2 Framework

Introduction to Struts 2 Framework

Lot of times I have been asked by users on this site to write tutorial about Struts 2 Framework. My previous tutorial on Creating Struts Application in Eclipse is one of the most viewed...