How-To Tutorials, Tips & Tricks

How to: Reset MySQL root password

Resetting the root password of a MySQL database is trivial if you know the current password if you don’t it is a little trickier. Thankfully it isn’t too difficult to fix, and here we’ll...

Dynamic combobox-listbox-drop-down using javascript

Dynamic combobox-listbox-drop-down using javascript

Want to populate dynamically combobox-listbox-drop-down using javascript? Let us see a very simple script to do this. First let us see createElement() of document object in javascript. Thus, createElement method takes a parameter which...

Creating ZIP and JAR Files in Java

ZIP files offer a packaging mechanism, allowing multiple files to be bundled together as one. Thus, when you need to download a group of files from the web, you can package them into one...

Textbox with background image using CSS

Textbox with background image using CSS

All we need in order to create an input box like this is an image of a magnifying glass and some CSS code. This input box is simply created by adding a background image...

Multiple message resource property file in Struts

Recently I came up with a requirement where in we have to display messages from multiple bundle resource (message resource) property files in Struts using <bean:message>. Following are the steps for the same: Make...

MySQL Change root Password

Setting up mysql password is one of the essential tasks. root user is MySQL admin account. Please note that Linux / UNIX login root account for your operating system and MySQL root are different....

Files-Directory listing in Java

This example lists the files and subdirectories in a directory. Traversing the Files and Directories Under a Directory This example implements methods that recursively visits all files and directories under a directory. // Process...