Update: The plugin is now on GitHub: https://github.com/viralpatel/jquery.shorten Facebook user updates has a great functionality. If the comment text is larger than few characters, the extra words are hide and a show more link is presented to user. This way you can keep long text out of the view to user and stop the cluttering of page. Also interested users can click on more link and see the full content. Here is a simple tutorial to achieve this using jQuery / Javascript.
Below is the sample text. Each text is wrapped in a DIV tag. Note that we have added a class “more” in each div. This class will decide if a text needs to be shortened and show more link showed or not.
<divclass="comment more">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Vestibulum laoreet, nunc eget laoreet sagittis,
quam ligula sodales orci, congue imperdiet eros tortor ac lectus.
Duis eget nisl orci. Aliquam mattis purus non mauris
blandit id luctus felis convallis.
Integer varius egestas vestibulum.
Nullam a dolor arcu, ac tempor elit. Donec.
</div><divclass="comment more">
Duis nisl nibh, egestas at fermentum at, viverra et purus.
Maecenas lobortis odio id sapien facilisis elementum.
Curabitur et magna justo, et gravida augue.
Sed tristique pellentesque arcu quis tempor.
</div><divclass="comment more">
consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin blandit nunc sed sem dictum id feugiat quam blandit.
Donec nec sem sed arcu interdum commodo ac ac diam. Donec consequat semper rutrum.
Vestibulum et mauris elit. Vestibulum mauris lacus, ultricies.
Code language:HTML, XML(xml)
Below is the CSS code for our example. Note the class “.morecontent span” is hidden. The extra text from the content is wrapped in this span and is hidden at time of page loading.
Below is the Javascript code which iterate through each DIV tags with class “more” and split the text in two. First half is showed to user and second is made hidden with a link “more..”. You can change the behaviour by changing following js variables.
showChar: Total characters to show to user. If the content is more then showChar, it will be split into two halves and first one will be showed to user.
ellipsestext: The text displayed before “more” link. Default is “…”
moretext: The text shown in more link. Default is “more”. You can change to “>>”
lesstext: The text shown in less link. Default is “less”. You can change to “<<"
$(document).ready(function() {
var showChar = 100;
var ellipsestext = "...";
var moretext = "more";
var lesstext = "less";
$('.more').each(function() {
var content = $(this).html();
if(content.length > showChar) {
var c = content.substr(0, showChar);
var h = content.substr(showChar-1, content.length - showChar);
var html = c + '<span class="moreellipses">' + ellipsestext+ ' </span><span class="morecontent"><span>' + h + '</span> <a href="" class="morelink">' + moretext + '</a></span>';
if($(this).hasClass("less")) {
} else {
The above code is modified into jQuery plugin. Also it has now been enhanced. HTML tags are now parsed properly within text to preserve its uniformity while shorting the text. Please check latest plugin code on GitHub. https://github.com/viralpatel/jquery.shorten
Step 2: Add the code to shorten any DIV content. In below example we are shortening DIV with class “comment”.
This is a long comment text.
This is a long comment text.
This is a long comment text.
This is a long comment text. This is a long comment text.
$(document).ready(function() {
Code language:HTML, XML(xml)
You may want to pass the parameters to shorten() method and override the default ones.
Nice, although maybe you should think about making it a plugin instead to allow reuse and configuration options. Something like http://pastie.org/1416794 (your code as a plugin, with reservations for jQuery-plugin-best-practise-abuse…)
Hi, I noticed that whenever there’s a … and you click “More”, there’s a gap between the character, which would split up a whole word. Is there any way to fix that? Thanks!
Nice work -> The only change I had to make to this was to make sure that the split doesn’t occur within an HTML tag. For example, if you had some text that was wrapped with a “strong” tag, and the split ends up being in between the “o” and the “n” in the html tag, that tag would be broken. I changed it so that the code looks for a closing bracket (“>”) before an opening bracket (“<") in the 'remainder text'. If it is, it adds one to the number of characters to show & tries again.
I am also facing the same problem, if there are html tags, more link doesn’t show at all. is there any way we can solve this issue. kindly please reply me.
Patel, works great so thank you! I have one possible request: is it possible to save /show the break lines (br) ?? Looking at the source it shows correctly: line one line two line three
but in display I get: Line one. Line two. Line three.
@Jagan – This is a JQuery plugin and the file that I have included jquery-latest.js is the jquery javascript. You can include this js file as I have done in the tutorial or you can download it and include it statically in HTML.
Great tutorial, just what I need. However, although it works in shortening my text and adds the ‘…’, the ‘more’ link is not appearing at all. Any ideas why this might be?
Tutorial is not working for me and not sure why? All text is showing on the page but seems as though the scripting language is not picking up because the more and less are not there and all the text is still showing when I text preview??? Not sure what I am missing?
Pablo, Thanks for the changes. This is indeed very useful. I have pushed the plugin to GitHub and with your changes. Hope this will be useful for other users. Please feel free to fork and improve this tiny little plugin.
It turns out that due to some content being loaded through ajax, the .live() function was attaching two events to the ‘show more’ link which fired the click event as soon as the it was clicked. Hence showing and then hiding suddenly, giving impression that it isn’t working.
Just add this $(‘.morelink’).die();
before $(‘.morelink’).live(‘click’, function(){ …..
Hi Viral Patel, I have the same problem as Josh, the content contains HTML like list items or other tags and it doesn’t seem to work if it’s not just plain text.
Using ‘jquery-1.8.1.min.js’, trying to create the ‘shortening’ (more/less) for text, displaying 115 characters. (also seem to have the same problem with ‘jquery-latest.js’)
May discovered a workaround/fix…. at the bottom of the test page I have changed the script from: var h = content.substr(showChar-1, content.length – showChar); …to… var h = content.substr(showChar, content.length – showChar); (this was mentioned in a previous post by Julie)
…and removed the ” ” from between this (see pointer below) | | v var html = c +”+ellipsestext+” + h + ‘ ‘+moretext+’‘;
Since I “don’t speak Java”… if I have shot myself in the foot by doing this… someone please let me know.
This works great except . . . it’s backwards for me! When page is loaded all text shows with “more” link. When I click on “more” it collapses to show only 100 characters and then says “Less”. I’m not using the plugin, as I only need it for a single page. I’m a JS noob – any help?
Can, I have the same problem as Melisa and i dont understand what you mean in your solution.
Can 1 November, 2012, 16:48 @Melissa, ok I’ve just found the reason.. It is working in a div with {display: block; } style, I’ve removed this and now it works!.
Great job man! It workx without damage my SEO because of hidden text. The most scripts work with hidden hover of the hole content … its a good work … thanks a lot of!
Wish I understood this but it’s way over my head. I was just searching trying to find something to shorten my html or javascript code for affiliate links to use on facebook. I thought at first this might be the answer but I’m so confused at this point and think, instead, you might be talking about something else.! Wish I knew all you know about code, etc. I’m learning through trial and error at this point. Debra @ childrenswellbeingblog.com
It looks nice in the demo, but this does not seem to be a solution for multi-heading and multi-paragraph articles–which is what I need to be able to truncate until the user clicks “more”. In my case, the span is applying to the title alone, leaving the rest of the article visible. It’s a start, though, so I might be able to modify this into something that will work.
This works great but I would like the text to be viewed by readers, how would the code work with left screen content instead of hidden or something like .visuallyhidden { position: absolute; overflow: hidden; clip: rect(0 0 0 0); height: 1px; width: 1px; margin: -1px; padding: 0; border: 0; }
Has anyone given this a go within an asp:BoundField and ItemStyle-CssClass?
It works but, the other boundfields in the row get thrown off. The text in those fields get dropped to the bottom of the row (almost like vertial-align:bottom) until you click on that cell in the GUI where it fixes itself.
This works great except . . . it’s backwards for me! http://www.falconeye.com.my/management.html When page is loaded all text shows with “click to hide” link. When I click on “click to hide” it collapses to show only 200 characters and then says “click for more”. I’m a JS noob – any help?
doesn’t work for me if the content is being source from a .xml field. I have a {Complete_Description} that’s being sourced and no go any way to fix this?
how to implement if I am populating div with mysql query, as jquery run before the div is populated, so its not displaying any content at default,on more link is shows whole content. code is like
Best thing to do in case of HTML content is the height base solution. Show only fixed height and every thing else will be hidden so cases like images will also get solved. The real question is how to detect the height of the HTML content before applying the more-link so that it doesn’t get cut Awkwardly.
Plugin doesn’t work for me… Text gets shortened and show more link appears but nothing happens when you click link. Tried changing toggle to slideToggle as suggested above but still nada.
var html = c + '<span class="moreelipses">'+ellipsestext+'</span> <span class="morecontent"><span>' + h + '</span>  <a href="" class="morelink">'+moretext+'</a></span>';
Should be
var html = c + '<span class="moreelipses">'+ellipsestext+'</span><span class="morecontent"><span>' + h + '</span>  <a href="" class="morelink">'+moretext+'</a></span>';
The code you have done has “moretext” in hyperlink format. When I’m trying it to do with button it is not working. I want to add a button beside the text instead of hyperlink and when we click on that button pop up window must open to view the full text. Can you help me on this..
contentText => "A lovely presentation of short stemmed roses in mixed pastel shades (12, OR 24 Please Select) and filler wrapped in cellophane and trimmed with a bow.<i><b> Picture shown contains 12 roses</b></i>."
I also noticed that, in addition to some characters repeating at the split, (which another commenter noted, The code was dropping the last character of the “hidden” text.
I changed the line
var h = content.substr(config.showChars , content.length - config.showChars);
var h = content.substr(showChar);
since javascript will return the rest of the string is no second parameter is passed to the substr() function
Nice tutorial. There is a problem in your script, that when you are splitting the full content in 2, when we clicking on more, the last letter of the first sub string is getting double. I mean before clicking on more, if ‘i’ is the last character , then if we click on more, it is showing 2 ‘i’. Please the 2 sub strings that u have made. The suggested behavior is
var c = content.substr(0, showChar);
var h = content.substr(showChar, content.length - showChar);
insted of
var c = content.substr(0, showChar);
var h = content.substr(showChar-1, content.length - showChar);
Similar problem for me as reported by others. If I have text in the shortener DIV with paragraph tags then it doesn’t work. It shows the less link with all the text first and then when you click the less link all the text disappears. Removing the tags makes it work – but be good to fix so can have paragraph tags.
What if I have some html inside the div. If I have some tags, is it going to cut off. (lets say my 99th character is so as per your example is this going to cut off <i … more?)
Hello Jacques, it’s not true, that it doesn’t work with dynamic text taken from a database. If you use a serverside language like php to dynamically create content, the text you want to shorten would be created before any JS is loaded. So it would be no problem to shorten your dynamic text. But I think, if you use clientside language in a synchronous way, it won’t work, because the text you want to shorten can’t be find from the shorten script when it loads. Maybe it works with an asynchronous script, but I didn’t test it. Sorry for my possibly poor English, it’s not my native language, but I hope you can understand it anyway.
@Viral Patel: Many, many, many thanks for this great script & tutorial!! It is awesome!
How i can shrink entire previous div if i am clicking on more link of next div or any div i.e div that is not selected for now should get shirked .. Thanks in advance
I was looking for it since long time as i want to show not full content, since my page has long content. Thanks for sharing this useful resource with us.
Hi, I wanted to use the plugin on a wordpress website but it turn out the plugin is not working can you please help me on how i can integrate in to work with wordpress. Best regards
I have been trying to develop this as part of my php jquery training assignment with no success. but this tutorial helped me to get the assignment in few minutes. Just to note, i am new to php and jquery. thank you so much for detailed explanation.
Hi there, thanks for a nice plugin. Its working but don’t know how to align “more” to the same line as the elipses like your samples. Mine looks like this.
agreed! this code is awesome, but i’d really like to figure out a way to have the break occur between words rather than only have one or two characters of the next word show before the ellipse.
i’m not very knowledgeable in javascript but will try to play with it & see what i can do. BUT would totally appreciate somebody who is knowledgeable to provide a solution.
additionally, i was hoping for some jquery animation too, and found the post to change all the… show(); and hide();’s to show(“slow”); and hide(“slow”); …but when my block is at the bottom of a page, it does something funky & undesirable.
Hi there, again: Many thanks to Viral Patel for this awesome Plugin! If someone wants to use this plugin with more than one HTML-Element to show/hide and don’t want to click on a little button or something, here is my work around. The HTML structure:
<div class="showmore">
<div class="left_img">
<img src="someimage.jpg" alt="someimage" title="someimage" />
<div class="shorten_txt">
<h1>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</h1>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies.</p>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies.</p>
<li>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</li>
<li>consectetuer adipiscing elit</li>
The jQuery JS:
var showChar=50;
var ellipsestext="[...]";
$(this).find('.shorten_txt p').addClass('more_p').hide();
$(this).find('.shorten_txt p:first').removeClass('more_p').show();
$(this).find('.shorten_txt ul').addClass('more_p').hide();
//you can do this above with every other element
var teaser = $(this).find('.shorten_txt p:first').html();
var con_length = parseInt(teaser.length);
var c = teaser.substr(0, showChar);
var h = teaser.substr(showChar, con_length - showChar);
var html = '<span class="teaser_txt">'+c+'<span class="moreelipses">'+ellipsestext+
'</span></span><span class="morecontent_txt">'+h
if(con_length > showChar){
$(this).find(".shorten_txt p:first").html(html);
$(this).find(".shorten_txt p:first span.morecontent_txt").toggle();
$(this).find('.shorten_txt p:first span.moreelipses').toggle();
$(this).find('.shorten_txt p:first span.morecontent_txt').toggle();
$(this).find('.shorten_txt .more_p').toggle();
return false;
Now you just have to click on anywhere inside the “showmore” div and the teasertext will be shortened or will be enlarged. This is useful if you want it to use with mobile phones and touchscreens.
I´ve just modified your code becuase i had problems with html contents.
Now instead of cutting and adding what function have cutted, function now cuts and shows this content at first and then when clicking “more” button it shows whole content.
$.fn.shorten = function (settings) {
var config = {
showChars: 100,
ellipsesText: "...",
moreText: "more",
lessText: "less"
if (settings) {
$.extend(config, settings);
$(document).on({click: function (){
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.hasClass('less')) {
$('.lesscontent').fadeOut(function() {
}, '.morelink');
return this.each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
if($this.hasClass("shortened")) return;
var content = $this.html();
if (content.length > config.showChars) {
var c = content.substr(0, config.showChars);
var html = '<span class="lesscontent">'+ c + '</span><span class="moreellipses">' + config.ellipsesText + ' </span><span class="morecontent">' + content + '</span> <a href="#" class="morelink">' + config.moreText + '</a>';
I am using shorten.js in my application for read more feature.However,I want to change the color of ‘Read More’ link after being visited.I tried changing the color for this link using ‘morelink’ class ,but it is not working fine.Can anyone please suggest a solution for this..
I’m having the same issue as another poster where the “Read more” link is showing up on a different line rather than at the end of the text as displayed in the samples.
It will be better to store separate config for each element, because I use different more and less words on one page, and after expanding/collapsing the more/less text is being override by last configured text
This is not working when the text contains anchor tags .please verify the same by adding some anchor tags ,coz apsn tags are been added in anchor tag ,hence making the function not working
Need to set height:auto in jquery.shorton.js like below that is height:’0’+’%’ not working properly.so i done like $this.parent().prev().animate({‘height’:’auto’}, function () { $this.parent().prev().prev().show(); }).hide(‘fast’);
Is there any way to modify the code so that the ‘more’ button shows at the end of a word as apposed to the amount of characters? I can’t have the words being broken up. Any ideas what I would need to change this code to? {var showChar=200;
the problem with formatted text is that this code breaks up the container. Put this in code, that will resolve the problem for most of the cases: var $type = $(this).prop('nodeName');
And then change this line: var html = c + '' + config.ellipsesText + ' ' + h + '' + config.moreText + '';
Use this code to not break on paragraph tag (copy that to everything else – it will be nice to check up the .html to find out if we are in opening or closing tag and bail out of that, but I don’t have that much time): poffset = content.substr(config.showChars, content.length - config.showChars).indexOf("") + 4; var c = content.substr(0, config.showChars + poffset); var h = content.substr(config.showChars + poffset, content.length - (config.showChars + poffset));
And use CSS coding for link and ellipses placement (it is at the top – play with it).
I added this code to my wordpress site, when i click on more the entire text is disappearing and only the ‘less’ link is showing, any idea why this is happening? any help will be appreciated.
I’ve been trying to get this to work with a pre v 1.7 jQuery (sadly we are using an older version of the UI framework ZK, that comes with jQuery 1.6.4) and found that all that needs to be changed is:
Hi I have integrated your code to a website and it is working well but the performance are not good: It took 1-2sec to open/close a text. And I notice a small CPU peak when clicking on the more/less link, on Chrome/Windows 7. It should be because of the “animate” On the demo link on this page, the action is so much faster, but it doesn’t actually use this library! Can we disabled the animation more or less like it is on this demo ? Thanks
Hi, Thank you so much for this, exactly what I was looking for! One change I hope to make though. I would like to place the “more” link where ellipses is. Can you put me in the right direction, please.
Hey guys, Can somebody tell me where can I find some code for this problem but written in angularJS 2? I can’t find any solution similar to this but in angular? Any help would be appreciated. THx
HI , I am facing a small issue with this. This piece of code works brilliantly well if we are trying to show more/less in case of texts. But I am trying a show more/less an anchor tag. With this script, the anchor tag is converted into plain text and it isnt a link anymore.
Sir, how can we see hidden text like this *************? when we forgot facebook password and then we try to reset password with the help of mobile number. but facebook shows to me only two last digits of my mobile number like this ****************70 so how can we see complet number.plz help me.i shell be very thankful to you
hi, this code works good but we have an issue here, can anyone please help me on this.. issue is: .morecontent span is displaying while page loading and hides after page load how can i fix this issue.
Sorry, I forgot it. To pass the parameters to new shortenwords function: $(selector).shortenwords({ "maxWords" : 20, "moreText" : "more", "lessText" : "less", "ellipsesText" : "..." });
Thank you.This is great article except for one minor correction in the $(‘.more’).each(function () {, when you assign value to variable h var h = content.substr(showChar – 1 , content.length – showChar); this duplicates the last character before read more. Eg. instead of “id” it displys iid. it can be fixed by code below, var h = content.substr(showChar , content.length – showChar);
Sorry for the disturb, I would like to use the script for a dynamic content got from Jquery only. I have a loop on json data from jquery and I display it dynamically by appending to . I would like to use the same script on that data only, I know it might request to embed the entire script in a function and call that function in each li. something like , var prg = ”+functMore(json.data)+”; I can;t handle that easily. Can anyone provide an answer. this is my full code. $.ajax({ type: ‘GET’, url: $(“#baseurl”).val() + “post/getData”, success: function (json) { $(“#postSec”).html(“”); if (json.status) { if (json.data.length > 0) { for (var rec=0; rec<json.data.length; rec++){
the tags are being removed, so I replace with if (json.status) { if (json.data.length > 0) { for (var rec=0; rec<json.data.length; rec++){ var exp = "”+json.data[rec].postContent+””; $(“#postsec”).append(exp); }}}
How do you put 4 different show-hide on the home page? I changed .truncate to .truncate1 etc. – now the content opens for me, but it also hides immediately.
i made the div element and it works fine when i use normal text, but i tried to add some sql (inside php) to show a value of something in a sql table, but when i load the page it just says “more” and when i click it, it loads the value from the sql, but it is supposed to just shrink the value and then when you click more it is supposed to show the rest instead it shows nothing and then when you click “more” it shows all of it, this is because the sql is only loading after the js has run, trying to find a fix, please email me back, thanks
Nice, although maybe you should think about making it a plugin instead to allow reuse and configuration options. Something like http://pastie.org/1416794 (your code as a plugin, with reservations for jQuery-plugin-best-practise-abuse…)
@Jay – fantastic :) I will update the post with jQuery plugin information. Thanks for that.
Hi, I noticed that whenever there’s a … and you click “More”, there’s a gap between the character, which would split up a whole word. Is there any way to fix that? Thanks!
@karly – wow! thanks for pointing out the space issue. I have updated the script. Thanks again. Have a look :)
What awesome site!!!!!!!!! Help me very much on the form enhancement!! Thanks guys!!!
Yes good
Nice work -> The only change I had to make to this was to make sure that the split doesn’t occur within an HTML tag. For example, if you had some text that was wrapped with a “strong” tag, and the split ends up being in between the “o” and the “n” in the html tag, that tag would be broken. I changed it so that the code looks for a closing bracket (“>”) before an opening bracket (“<") in the 'remainder text'. If it is, it adds one to the number of characters to show & tries again.
Hey Jason any chance you could share your solution for not breaking html? Thanks.
I am also facing the same problem, if there are html tags, more link doesn’t show at all. is there any way we can solve this issue. kindly please reply me.
Hey Jason, could you share that code update with us…facing the same issue!!!
Anybody managed to find/write what Jason is talking about?
Would really appreciate the implemented code. :)
Please share code, as I am facing same issue
Thank you
Thanks for the code works pretty great for me.
I was wondering if anyone has/knows the best way to modify the function to hide a previously shown section when a new section has been clicked.
thanks again for the example!
In your three examples it doubles the letter where the eclipse sits
so instead of displaying the correct word ‘sagittis’ it display ‘saagittis’.
Is there a quick way to fix this?
move the and remove the -1 from showChar
var c = content.substr(0, showChar);
var h = content.substr(showChar, content.length – showChar);
var html = c + ”+ellipsestext+” + h + ‘ ‘+moretext+’‘;
Also may I see an example using the plug-in as this does not seem to work for me.
Great work by the way.
Thanks a lot man.
nice plugin…
Is there any option to customize the style of the more/less text with css..
i don’t the read more or less text as a standard link..
works great so thank you! I have one possible request: is it possible to save /show the break lines (br) ?? Looking at the source it shows correctly:
line one
line two
line three
but in display I get: Line one. Line two. Line three.
I am not sure, why the plugin isn’t working for me.
The HTML tutorial works.
In your html turorial you have included a seperate file called
which is not present in the plugin, i think this may be the reason, what do you think
@Jagan – This is a JQuery plugin and the file that I have included
is the jquery javascript. You can include this js file as I have done in the tutorial or you can download it and include it statically in HTML.Nice
Great tutorial, just what I need. However, although it works in shortening my text and adds the ‘…’, the ‘more’ link is not appearing at all. Any ideas why this might be?
Thanks in advance for any help!
Tutorial is not working for me and not sure why? All text is showing on the page but seems as though the scripting language is not picking up because the more and less are not there and all the text is still showing when I text preview??? Not sure what I am missing?
Hi, I’ve changed the plugin a little to solve the tag cutting problem:
Hope that helps.
Pablo Pazos
Thank you Pablo!
Most helpful. :)
For those who are interested:
I’ve tweaked Pablo’s code to remove the tags in the shorten text, so that the ‘… Read more’ appears next to the text and not on a new line.
I also removed extra spaces that were causing the full text to have a white space and a repeated letter in the breaking point.
You can find the js code here: http://pastebin.com/ARTYQUuc
Great work guys! Thank you so much!
Thanks Pablo! Here is a Coffeescript version in case others also find it useful for maintainability:
!Gracias tambien¡
Thanks for the changes. This is indeed very useful. I have pushed the plugin to GitHub and with your changes. Hope this will be useful for other users. Please feel free to fork and improve this tiny little plugin.
This doesn’t work in a table
It turns out that due to some content being loaded through ajax, the .live() function was attaching two events to the ‘show more’ link which fired the click event as soon as the it was clicked. Hence showing and then hiding suddenly, giving impression that it isn’t working.
Just add this
$(‘.morelink’).live(‘click’, function(){ …..
Thanks Yasir
I was facing the same issue.
Thanks Yasir. I spent 2 hours trying to find an answer. Fixed!
I want to know if I may accept that all jQuery Code (Plugins etc) is Open Source and or Free to use for personal or commercial use? Thanks.
The above doesnt work if the text comes from database using a php statement. Please help !!
Add animation please
Hi Steve, to add animation just replace
method in plugin withtoggle("slow")
. I will update the plugin code with this change.Has anybody figured out a solution for if the content contains HTML like list items or other tags it doesn’t seem to work if it’s not just plain text.
Hi Josh, Its working for me! The content can be HTML. I have added a few links, divs and bold tags and it seems to be properly working.
Hi Viral Patel, I have the same problem as Josh, the content contains HTML like list items or other tags and it doesn’t seem to work if it’s not just plain text.
Using ‘jquery-1.8.1.min.js’, trying to create the ‘shortening’ (more/less) for text, displaying 115 characters. (also seem to have the same problem with ‘jquery-latest.js’)
Refer to : http://test.executivecaliber.com/moreless.htm for my test page, you can see at the junction of the displayed vs. no-displayed when you click MORE.
Paragraph one: “work” becomes “work..”
Paragraph two: “Moroc…” becomes “Moroc cco” Etc.
If I should be using a different jquery script… (or some other problem) please let me know.
Thank you,
Eric S. Zipp
May discovered a workaround/fix…. at the bottom of the test page I have changed the script from:
var h = content.substr(showChar-1, content.length – showChar);
var h = content.substr(showChar, content.length – showChar);
(this was mentioned in a previous post by Julie)
…and removed the ” ” from between this
(see pointer below)
var html = c +”+ellipsestext+” + h + ‘ ‘+moretext+’‘;
Since I “don’t speak Java”… if I have shot myself in the foot by doing this… someone please let me know.
The plugin works like a charm. Thank you :)
I have one question:
Why do we need the below line :
even though I comment this, the plugin works fine.
This works great except . . . it’s backwards for me! When page is loaded all text shows with “more” link. When I click on “more” it collapses to show only 100 characters and then says “Less”. I’m not using the plugin, as I only need it for a single page. I’m a JS noob – any help?
I tried using this on my wordpress site. Is there a way this would work for a single page in wordpress?
My content also has html tags.. by this code wont work with that..
@Melissa, I’ve been experiencing the same thing.. I was trying to figure out why this is working like that.
@Melissa, ok I’ve just found the reason.. It is working in a div with {display: block; } style, I’ve removed this and now it works!.
Can, I have the same problem as Melisa and i dont understand what you mean in your solution.
Can 1 November, 2012, 16:48
@Melissa, ok I’ve just found the reason.. It is working in a div with {display: block; } style, I’ve removed this and now it works!.
anyone care to elaborate or write me a how to?
It does not work when I use it for more than one element on a page. I get more/less links but nothing happens when I click them.
Great job man! It workx without damage my SEO because of hidden text. The most scripts work with hidden hover of the hole content … its a good work … thanks a lot of!
Wish I understood this but it’s way over my head. I was just searching trying to find something to shorten my html or javascript code for affiliate links to use on facebook. I thought at first this might be the answer but I’m so confused at this point and think, instead, you might be talking about something else.! Wish I knew all you know about code, etc. I’m learning through trial and error at this point.
Debra @ childrenswellbeingblog.com
The css .morecontent isn’t doing what it needs to before the script loads?
Hope you can help?
Thanks a lot. saved my time :)
It looks nice in the demo, but this does not seem to be a solution for multi-heading and multi-paragraph articles–which is what I need to be able to truncate until the user clicks “more”. In my case, the span is applying to the title alone, leaving the rest of the article visible. It’s a start, though, so I might be able to modify this into something that will work.
This works great but I would like the text to be viewed by readers, how would the code work with left screen content instead of hidden or something like .visuallyhidden {
position: absolute;
overflow: hidden;
clip: rect(0 0 0 0);
height: 1px; width: 1px;
margin: -1px; padding: 0; border: 0;
Has anyone given this a go within an asp:BoundField and ItemStyle-CssClass?
It works but, the other boundfields in the row get thrown off. The text in those fields get dropped to the bottom of the row (almost like vertial-align:bottom) until you click on that cell in the GUI where it fixes itself.
Since live is deprecated in jQuery 1.9 have a look at this >> http://jsfiddle.net/dLRed/2/
Thanks Azab. I have updated the plugin code and replaced
call withon()
. Thanks.This works great except . . . it’s backwards for me! http://www.falconeye.com.my/management.html
When page is loaded all text shows with “click to hide” link. When I click on “click to hide” it collapses to show only 200 characters and then says “click for more”.
I’m a JS noob – any help?
doesn’t work for me if the content is being source from a .xml field. I have a {Complete_Description} that’s being sourced and no go any way to fix this?
how to implement if I am populating div with mysql query, as jquery run before the div is populated, so its not displaying any content at default,on more link is shows whole content.
code is like
can you elaborate on how to set this up? I tried to implement but i’m still having issues
Sadly this doesn’t work in jQuery 1.9.1 – as toggle() is depreciated too!
Can anyone suggest a workaround? I can’t find a replacement for this plugin which is 1.9.1 compatible.
Thanks, Alex
Try to use slideToggle() instead. It should work.
It doesn’t work when you have any html tags in it.
There is no perfect solution for the cutted html i think right now.
what happens if want to add tables or images..????
Best thing to do in case of HTML content is the height base solution.
Show only fixed height and every thing else will be hidden so cases like images will also get solved.
The real question is how to detect the height of the HTML content before applying the more-link so that it doesn’t get cut Awkwardly.
Plugin doesn’t work for me… Text gets shortened and show more link appears but nothing happens when you click link. Tried changing toggle to slideToggle as suggested above but still nada.
tested with
jQuery 2.0 and 1.72
Is it only me, that noticed then clicking on the “more” link, you got one or two letters duplicated.
eget laoreet sa… more
eget laoreet sa agittis, quam ……………. less
and should be
get laoreet sagittis, quam
As you see there is a space and “a” – so acctually two chars
I belive I found your error in the code.
Should be
Hi Viral,
The code you have done has “moretext” in hyperlink format. When I’m trying it to do with button it is not working. I want to add a button beside the text instead of hyperlink and when we click on that button pop up window must open to view the full text. Can you help me on this..
code fails if content is having html tags.
And now try this.. with following values..
it fails.. due to html tags..
Any suggestion for this??
Thanks in advance.. ;)
I also noticed that, in addition to some characters repeating at the split, (which another commenter noted, The code was dropping the last character of the “hidden” text.
I changed the line
since javascript will return the rest of the string is no second parameter is passed to the substr() function
Nice tutorial. There is a problem in your script, that when you are splitting the full content in 2, when we clicking on more, the last letter of the first sub string is getting double.
I mean before clicking on more, if ‘i’ is the last character , then if we click on more, it is showing 2 ‘i’. Please the 2 sub strings that u have made.
The suggested behavior is
insted of
Hi, Nice code but not working in internet explorer version 9
Similar problem for me as reported by others. If I have text in the shortener DIV with paragraph tags then it doesn’t work. It shows the less link with all the text first and then when you click the less link all the text disappears. Removing the tags makes it work – but be good to fix so can have paragraph tags.
Regarding your latest GitHub plugin, please don’t use off() and on() methods as these don’t work with the HTML5
tags ?
Apologies, the plugin works fine with jQuery 1.8.3, but not v1.3 ;)
I’m getting some weird behavior with the jquery-1.9.1.min.js. The button appears and then is labeled display:none. Anyone else seen this?
Yes I am facing the same issue. weird behaviour
The code is working but I have a problem that it is not working for label declared inside form view. Can any body help me?
What if I have some html inside the div. If I have some tags, is it going to cut off. (lets say my 99th character is so as per your example is this going to cut off <i … more?)
Hi, nice plugin, I want to ask how to add jquery easing effect on clicking ‘more’ ‘less’ Thanx
Yes, nice plugin and good tutorial, but as soon as there’s any markup in the div, it falls apart.
I added a quick hack to only break after a closing tag.
Something like this: (to only break after a tag)
poffset = content.substr(config.showChars, content.length – config.showChars).indexOf(“”) + 4;
var c = content.substr(0, config.showChars + poffset);
var h = content.substr(config.showChars + poffset, content.length – (config.showChars + poffset));
Trying again with formatting..
Too bad this doesn’t work with dynamic data (text) from a database
Hello Jacques,
it’s not true, that it doesn’t work with dynamic text taken from a database. If you use a serverside language like php to dynamically create content, the text you want to shorten would be created before any JS is loaded. So it would be no problem to shorten your dynamic text. But I think, if you use clientside language in a synchronous way, it won’t work, because the text you want to shorten can’t be find from the shorten script when it loads. Maybe it works with an asynchronous script, but I didn’t test it. Sorry for my possibly poor English, it’s not my native language, but I hope you can understand it anyway.
@Viral Patel: Many, many, many thanks for this great script & tutorial!! It is awesome!
Very nice plugin, but could you add a speed control to this plugin?
For me, this plugin only works in IE, not in Mozilla firefox or Chrome
my jquery version is V1.7.1
added var J = noconflict()
any suggestions?
Hello, Thx for the tutorial!!
Is it possible to add some animation to the text ? i struggled but couldnt find how…
Many thx!!
Yes. Search for hide() and show() and add “slow” in the brackets. e.g. hide(“slow”)…
How i can shrink entire previous div if i am clicking on more link of
next div or any div i.e div that is not selected for now should get
shirked ..
Thanks in advance
I was looking for it since long time as i want to show not full content, since my page has long content. Thanks for sharing this useful resource with us.
I wanted to use the plugin on a wordpress website but it turn out the plugin is not working can you please help me on how i can integrate in to work with wordpress.
Best regards
I have been trying to develop this as part of my php jquery training assignment with no success. but this tutorial helped me to get the assignment in few minutes. Just to note, i am new to php and jquery. thank you so much for detailed explanation.
nice plugin !!!
but how to change more and less text into image..
thankx in advance…….
Hi there, thanks for a nice plugin. Its working but don’t know how to align “more” to the same line as the elipses like your samples. Mine looks like this.
some text…
What I want is
some text … more
this code is awesome, but i’d really like to figure out a way to have the break occur between words rather than only have one or two characters of the next word show before the ellipse.
i found this on his/your github site that showed promise…
…but unfortunately, it does not provide an appropriate fix (for us).
i’m not very knowledgeable in javascript but will try to play with it & see what i can do. BUT would totally appreciate somebody who is knowledgeable to provide a solution.
additionally, i was hoping for some jquery animation too, and found the post to change all the…
show(); and hide();’s to show(“slow”); and hide(“slow”);
…but when my block is at the bottom of a page, it does something funky & undesirable.
to the moderator… why did you delete my post?
i replied here just trying to be helpful as well as post my questions.
HI there it is possible to make us a video tutorial about Shortened Text With “Show More” Link Using JQuery and html and olso to use asp.net sory for
if there is link in the text, it’s showing the link path
Hi there,
again: Many thanks to Viral Patel for this awesome Plugin!
If someone wants to use this plugin with more than one HTML-Element to show/hide and don’t want to click on a little button or something, here is my work around.
The HTML structure:
The jQuery JS:
Now you just have to click on anywhere inside the “showmore” div and the teasertext will be shortened or will be enlarged. This is useful if you want it to use with mobile phones and touchscreens.
best regards,
Pyretta, can you then style the “[…]” so it’s say bold and a colour?
Sorry, sorted.
.moreelipses {
I´ve just modified your code becuase i had problems with html contents.
Now instead of cutting and adding what function have cutted, function now cuts and shows this content at first and then when clicking “more” button it shows whole content.
IM SORRY didn´t modified the post source code tag XD
Hi ,
I am using shorten.js in my application for read more feature.However,I want to change the color of ‘Read More’ link after being visited.I tried changing the color for this link using ‘morelink’ class ,but it is not working fine.Can anyone please suggest a solution for this..
I want to display all the text but have the option of shortening it. How do I call that?
I’m having the same issue as another poster where the “Read more” link is showing up on a different line rather than at the end of the text as displayed in the samples.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet…
Read more
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet… Read more
This doesn’t work for nested elements. Any fix on that.
It seems to miss numbered lists from the hidden section.
It works ok with bulleted lists but not numbered lists.
Please advice.
it’s not working
this doesn’t work for any browser.
It will be better to store separate config for each element, because I use different more and less words on one page, and after expanding/collapsing the more/less text is being override by last configured text
This is not working when the text contains anchor tags .please verify the same by adding some anchor tags ,coz apsn tags are been added in anchor tag ,hence making the function not working
Need to set height:auto in jquery.shorton.js like below that is height:’0’+’%’ not working properly.so i done like
$this.parent().prev().animate({‘height’:’auto’}, function () { $this.parent().prev().prev().show(); }).hide(‘fast’);
$this.parent().prev().animate({‘height’:’auto’}, function () { $this.parent().prev().prev().show(); }).hide(‘fast’);
Is there any way to modify the code so that the ‘more’ button shows at the end of a word as apposed to the amount of characters? I can’t have the words being broken up. Any ideas what I would need to change this code to? {var showChar=200;
the problem with formatted text is that this code breaks up the container.
Put this in code, that will resolve the problem for most of the cases:
var $type = $(this).prop('nodeName');
And then change this line:
var html = c + '' + config.ellipsesText + ' ' + h + '' + config.moreText + '';
Use this code to not break on paragraph tag (copy that to everything else – it will be nice to check up the .html to find out if we are in opening or closing tag and bail out of that, but I don’t have that much time):
poffset = content.substr(config.showChars, content.length - config.showChars).indexOf("") + 4;
var c = content.substr(0, config.showChars + poffset);
var h = content.substr(config.showChars + poffset, content.length - (config.showChars + poffset));
And use CSS coding for link and ellipses placement (it is at the top – play with it).
What is the code tag?!? How can I add code with formatting?
Thank you very much, you save me lot of time!
I added this code to my wordpress site, when i click on more the entire text is disappearing and only the ‘less’ link is showing, any idea why this is happening? any help will be appreciated.
I’ve been trying to get this to work with a pre v 1.7 jQuery (sadly we are using an older version of the UI framework ZK, that comes with jQuery 1.6.4) and found that all that needs to be changed is:
$(document).off(“click”, ‘.morelink’);
changes to
$(document).on({click: function() {…}, ‘.morelink’);
changes to
$(‘.morelink’).live({click: function() {…}});
In case anyone else is stuck with some ancient jQuery ;)
I have integrated your code to a website and it is working well but the performance are not good: It took 1-2sec to open/close a text. And I notice a small CPU peak when clicking on the more/less link, on Chrome/Windows 7. It should be because of the “animate”
On the demo link on this page, the action is so much faster, but it doesn’t actually use this library!
Can we disabled the animation more or less like it is on this demo ?
Hi, Thank you so much for this, exactly what I was looking for!
One change I hope to make though. I would like to place the “more” link where ellipses is.
Can you put me in the right direction, please.
Anyone Know how to make it slide up and down slowly ?
Hey guys, Can somebody tell me where can I find some code for this problem but written in angularJS 2? I can’t find any solution similar to this but in angular? Any help would be appreciated. THx
I wanted the break to occur between words, so I added this to the JavaScript:
HI , I am facing a small issue with this. This piece of code works brilliantly well if we are trying to show more/less in case of texts. But I am trying a show more/less an anchor tag. With this script, the anchor tag is converted into plain text and it isnt a link anymore.
Could anyone help me on this ?
Its very helpfull site for developer
Sir, how can we see hidden text like this *************? when we forgot facebook password and then we try to reset password with the help of mobile number. but facebook shows to me only two last digits of my mobile number like this ****************70 so how can we see complet number.plz help me.i shell be very thankful to you
Worked well
Thanks a lot bro! After 3 years, still does the job ;-)
Any help if the text has Ul elements in the html.
this code works good but we have an issue here, can anyone please help me on this..
issue is:
.morecontent span is displaying while page loading and hides after page load
how can i fix this issue.
For a shortened script that works correctly by counting words instead of characters, this is the code, adapted from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/33175833/shortening-long-blocks-of-text-based-on-words-not-characters- To-display-to-read-m ::
(function($) {
$.fn.shortenwords = function (settings) {
var config = {
maxWords: 100,
ellipsesText: "...",
moreText: "more",
lessText: "less"
if (settings) {
$.extend(config, settings);
$(document).off("click", '.morelink');
$(document).on({click: function () {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.hasClass('less')) {
} else {
$this.parent().prev().toggle(1200, "linear");
return false;
}, '.morelink');
return this.each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
if($this.hasClass("shortened")) return;
var words = $(this).text().replace(".", ". ").replace(",", ", ").split(" ").filter(function(a){return a.trim()});
var arr = [];
var index = 0;
for(var i=0;i<words.length && arr.length+1 config.maxWords ) {
var c = words.slice(0,index).join(" ");
var h = words.slice(index, words.length).join(" ");
var html = c + '' + config.ellipsesText + ' ' + h + ' ' + config.moreText + '';
$(".morewords span").hide();
Sorry, I forgot it.
To pass the parameters to new shortenwords function:
"maxWords" : 20,
"moreText" : "more",
"lessText" : "less",
"ellipsesText" : "..."
its helpful thanks
Thank you.This is great article except for one minor correction
in the $(‘.more’).each(function () {, when you assign value to variable h
var h = content.substr(showChar – 1 , content.length – showChar);
this duplicates the last character before read more. Eg. instead of “id” it displys iid.
it can be fixed by code below,
var h = content.substr(showChar , content.length – showChar);
This code is not working on multiple paragraph or div tag.
Fab work, very impressive.
Much appreciated.
Sorry for the disturb, I would like to use the script for a dynamic content got from Jquery only. I have a loop on json data from jquery and I display it dynamically by appending to . I would like to use the same script on that data only, I know it might request to embed the entire script in a function and call that function in each li. something like , var prg = ”+functMore(json.data)+”;
I can;t handle that easily. Can anyone provide an answer.
this is my full code.
type: ‘GET’,
url: $(“#baseurl”).val() + “post/getData”,
success: function (json) {
if (json.status) {
if (json.data.length > 0) {
for (var rec=0; rec<json.data.length; rec++){
var exp = '’;
exp += ”+
exp =+ ”+
the tags are being removed, so I replace with
if (json.status) {
if (json.data.length > 0) {
for (var rec=0; rec<json.data.length; rec++){
var exp = "”+json.data[rec].postContent+””;
you made my day
I am facing issue in this plugin, I have text with html listing tags but it breaks so my load more functionality does not work, can you please help.
Thank you
How do you put 4 different show-hide on the home page?
I changed .truncate to .truncate1 etc. – now the content opens for me, but it also hides immediately.
i made the div element and it works fine when i use normal text, but i tried to add some sql (inside php) to show a value of something in a sql table, but when i load the page it just says “more” and when i click it, it loads the value from the sql, but it is supposed to just shrink the value and then when you click more it is supposed to show the rest instead it shows nothing and then when you click “more” it shows all of it, this is because the sql is only loading after the js has run, trying to find a fix, please email me back, thanks
This is very helpful article for me.I have been looking for such a content that helpful to me.